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Client Success Stories: Transforming Surgical Planning with 3D Visualization and Printing

6 days ago

2 min read




Image depicting 3D visualization for surgical planning technology

At Rx Device Consulting, we take pride in partnering with innovative startups to bring groundbreaking medical technologies to market. One such partnership involved a startup specializing in additive manufacturing, with a vision to revolutionize how hospitals leverage 3D design and printing capabilities. This startup aimed to streamline the creation of anatomical models and enhance hospital 3D printing labs to manufacture a wide range of medical devices, including splints, surgical and cutting guides, and even certain types of surgical implants. Here’s how we helped them turn their vision into reality.

Developing a Cutting-Edge Web Application

Understanding the startup’s need for a robust platform that would enable seamless interaction between surgeons and 3D printing capabilities, we quickly assembled a dedicated team of experts. Our first objective was to develop a user-friendly web application that would serve as the core of the startup's offering.

The web application we designed allows surgeons and users to upload DICOM image data—a standard format for medical imaging—directly to a cloud server. We utilized Javascript to create an intuitive front-end interface that ensures ease of use for medical professionals who may not be tech-savvy. This interface communicates with an AWS-hosted API, a back-end database, and a data storage platform, ensuring that the system is both scalable and secure.

This platform not only streamlined the process of generating anatomical models but also made it accessible to a broader range of healthcare providers. By centralizing and automating much of the process, we enabled the startup to offer hospitals a more efficient way to produce these critical medical tools.

Advanced 3D Visualization and Modeling Application

In parallel with the web application, we also developed a sophisticated 3D visualization and modeling tool. This application, designed to connect seamlessly with the cloud platform, allows for the downloading of DICOM image data for detailed processing. The software supports advanced segmentation, visualization, and 3D model generation, enabling users to transform raw medical images into precise 3D models.

The models generated through this software can be exported as STL files, the standard format for 3D printing. Additionally, we integrated functionality that allows these STL files to be uploaded back to the web platform, where they can be reviewed and approved by surgeons and other stakeholders before being sent to print. This ensures that all models meet the exact specifications required for surgical use, thereby enhancing patient outcomes.

Revolutionizing Hospital 3D Printing Labs

Through our collaboration with this startup, we helped bring to market a comprehensive solution that not only improves the efficiency of surgical planning but also expands the capabilities of hospital 3D printing labs. By enabling hospitals to manufacture a wide array of medical devices in-house, this solution has the potential to significantly reduce costs, improve customization, and accelerate the production of patient-specific implants and guides.

Partner with Rx Device Consulting for Success

Our work with this innovative startup exemplifies the level of expertise and dedication Rx Device Consulting brings to every project. We specialize in turning visionary ideas into market-ready solutions that drive innovation in healthcare. If you’re looking to bring your medical device to market, visit our website or contact us at today. Partner with Rx Device Consulting and let us help you achieve success!

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